P-j Translation Services Co.Ltd

Translation | Traduction | 翻訳 | Traducción

Translation, localization, proofreading: quality and efficiency

Welcome to P-j Translation Services Co.Ltd

Free-lance Translation & Localization

JAP->ENG   |    JAP->FR    |    ENG->FR    |    SP->FR

Professional and Experiences Linguist

Specialization in IT, Automotive, Telecom, International Cooperation and Marketing

Quality and Efficiency


Request Your Free Quote

Your online request for a free translation quote will be handled by a representative who will contact you promptly via e-mail or telephone (if provided). Please ensure that all required fields are filled out correctly and pay special attention to the e-mail and telephone fields to make sure we are able to reach you.



If you're willing to attach a specific file to your inquiry, please send us your message to our main electronic address :


You can also reach us via our office phone number +81 (0)50 5539 2025  

We also provide you a real time video conferencing service and let you show us your on-demand requests via our special Adobe Connect service. 

Send us an email detailing your specific request, prepare your documents / files which you would like to share with us and let us set up a meeting time from there !


Adobe Connect is a great tool that doesn't require to install any additional plug in apart from the latest Flash version on your computer.

Follow our special on-demand video conference link and we'll get you started !


Send us an email first and we will provide you the Room Code Pass

Or Contact Us directly via Skype

Copyright P-J Translation Services Co.Ltd